Zentral – Dezentral – völlig egal?: Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit der Luca-App

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Zentral – Dezentral – völlig egal?: Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit der Luca-App

Im Rahmen von Claiming Common Spaces III

Theatres are gradually opening up again, but the pandemic has long since prompted a complete transformation in the way theatregoers attend performances. Each member of the audience must be registered in advance and linked to a specific seat to allow for precise contact tracing and to make it possible to break potential chains of infection. For the past several months, an app known as the “Luca” app has been in use in many federal states in Germany, and it has also been the subject of much debate. To mark the launch of the CLAIMING COMMON SPACES III festival, the Alliance of International Production Houses (BIPH) is organising a panel discussion set to take place at 7 pm on 3 June under the heading “Was kann die LUCA APP?” (tr. What can the LUCA app do?). The discussion will feature experts drawn from the fields of culture, politics and data protection and focus on the various ways of effectively addressing the pandemic (thereby making it possible to hold events again) as well as data-protection responsibilities in relation to visitors.


Kampnagel is streaming this event.

—> Streaming Link

Auf dem hybriden Panel sind:
Eva Wolfangel (Wissenschaftsjournalistin)
Amelie Deuflhard (Intendantin Kampnagel)
Lorena Jaume-Palasí (Gründerin The Ethical Tech Society)
Jörn Riedel (CIO Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg)
Patrick Hennig (CEO neXenio / Luca)
Die Diskussion wird moderiert von Judith Horchert (DER SPIEGEL, Ressortleiterin Wirtschaft/Netzwelt).



Sponsors and Supporters

Eine Veranstaltung des Bündnisses der Internationalen Produktionshäuser im Rahmen von CLAIMING COMMON SPACES III. Das Bündnis ist gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.