RAGE. A Tennis Western – live am Rasen

Hanna Steinmair

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RAGE. A Tennis Western – live am Rasen

Hanna Steinmair

“I don’t cheat to win. I’d rather loose.“ (Serena Williams, 2018)

“I’ll see you when I see you.” (Naomi Ōsaka, 2021)

Two tennis players go berserk. Smashing rackets. Tearing down the net. Winning doesn’t interest anyone here. The court is in ruins. Thin sand blows across it. As iron-willed Williams/Ōsaka fans, country stars and at the same time deeply unimpressed and very easily aroused cowboys, the performers Joana Tischkau and Maria Sendlhofer ask the audience to line dance. It is something between rivalry and solidarity, reenactment and empowerment, between self-pity, self-portrayal and uncontrolled rage. “RAGE” searches for the different ways of reading anger and examines the reasons for its unequal distribution. The field of study is the tennis court as a setting in which inscriptions of race and gender are negotiated. In the middle of the tennis court of SV Oberrad 05, “RAGE” focuses on the staging of anger: as a fake, as an assumption, as a privilege, as an exaggeration and as a brilliant game.


Duration: ca 60 min
Language: German and English
The piece is not really suited for small children. There will be a lot of shouting and things are going to be destroyed.

Venue: Tennisplatz SV Oberrad 05
Gerbermühlstraße 107a

All events will follow a hygiene and safety concept for visitors. Your contact details (name, address, telephone number and e-mail address) will be recorded on location before the event in order to follow-up in case of a COVID-19 infection. A proof of negative Corona status (tested, vaccinated or recovered) is recommended.

Sponsors and Supporters

Konzept & Inszenierung: Hanna Steinmair
Performance und künstlerische Mitarbeit: Julia Novacek, Maria Sendlhofer, Joana Tischkau
Konzept Video & Clips: Julia Novacek
Dramaturgie: Christopher Weickenmeier
Musikalische Setzung Songs & Gesangscoach: Jan Gehmlich
Setzung Songbook: Anna Bachofner-Mayr
Livekamera Tennisplatz: Eva Kirsch
Sound Tennisplatz: Max Smirzitz
Licht & Technik Tennisplatz: Jimmy Kömpel
Ausstattung Tennisplatz: Loriana Casagrande
Regieassistenz: Svenja Polonji
Produktionsleitung: Mariya Barashka & Aleksandra Ingilizova: 1000 lovely productions

Koproduziert von Künstlerhaus Mousonturm. Gefördert durch: Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Frauenreferat Frankfurt, Hessisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Fonds Darstellende Künste – Förderprogramm „Take Action“

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch: SV Oberrad 05 – Abteilung Tennis, Tennis Union Nussbach, Tennisclub Rosenhöhe, geprobt im Z_Zentrum für Proben und Forschung

Dank an: Dr. Ernesto Knein, Hareth Al-Ashwal und Marcus Dross