Evros Walk Water 1 & 2

Rimini Protokoll (Wetzel)

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Evros Walk Water 1 & 2

Rimini Protokoll (Wetzel)

Developed in 2015 with minors at a refugee shelter in Athens, “Evros Walk Water” hands its instruments over to the audience, who are asked to perform the three-minute John Cage piece “Water Walk” from 1959 over and over again. In between pieces, everyone changes perspective, over and over again. Their perspective on the stories of the children involved and on the music, which every audience member – following directions via headphones – plays in their stead. Today, almost three years later, some of the teenagers have moved on, living in Switzerland, in Sweden and in Denmark. Others stayed and now ask: how is it for you? The music is still being played, the instruments have changed, the stories too. A music theatre piece about enjoying sound, listening, participation and ongoing reflection.

ALL IN - For children aged 10 and above!

In German and many other languages * Cast: Abel, Aron, Ehsan, Jawad, Jined, Massoud, Moussa, Omer * Konzept & Regie: Daniel Wetzel * Dramaturgie: Ioanna Valsamidou * Recherche: Konstantinos Kallivretakis * Rechercheassistenz: Nefeli Myrodia * Recherche (Schweden): Margarita Gerogianni * Bühnenbild: Magda Plevraki * Bühnenbildassistenz: Maria Kakaroglou * Ton: Peter Breitenbach * Mitarbeit Ton: Lampros Pigounis * Tonassistenz: Panos Tsagarakis * Licht Design: Guy Stephanou, Michalis Kloukinas * Video: Menelaos Karamaghiolis * Mitarbeit Video: Panagiotis Papafragkos * Video Team: Stavros Triantos, Nikos Ziogas, Giorgos Kravaritis * Flöte, Kaval: Dimitris Brendas * Technische Leitung: Martin Schwemin * Produktionsleitung: Violetta Gyra, Juliane Männel, Heidrun Schlegel (Rimini Apparat) * Produktion: Rimini Apparat und Onassis Cultural Centre / Fast Forward Festival (Athen) * Koproduziert durch das HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin * Finanziert von der Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa - Abteilung Kultur * Basierend auf Evros Walk Water – eine Koproduktion von TAK Liechtenstein, Schloßmediale Werdenberg und Rimini Apparat