Los años / Die Jahre

Mariano Pensotti / Grupo Marea

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Los años / Die Jahre

Mariano Pensotti / Grupo Marea

Argentinian author and director Mariano Pensotti subtly and movingly exploits the theatrical machine of illusions. In Los Años, he creates a home for his characters in a theatrical split screen between the worlds of theatre and film. The plot is set in the present day, as well as 30 years later. In a curiously funny and tragically sad way, it tells the story of two stages in the life of a documentary filmmaker from Buenos Aires. In 2021, he achieves a professional breakthrough with a socially committed film portrait about a boy from a poor district. Then in 2051 his attempts to re-establish and continue his relationships with the people and places from the past fail. Both on the level of biographical hope and social utopia, "Los Años" speaks of the fatal difference between what we think we are becoming and what we really become.


Duration: ca. 120 min
Language: Spanish with German and English subtitles
ALL IN from 15 years old
7.10. Artist talk afterwards
8. & 9.10. "Epilog" afterwards

Admission is only possible with proof of negative Corona status (tested, vaccinated or recovered). Results of a test may not be more than 24 hours old at this event. No entry without a medical mouth-nose covering! Wearing a mouth-nose covering is mandatory at all times, except at your own seat. Disinfect your hands when entering the building or grounds.
More information on hygiene and safety

“Epilog” is a performative mediation project by Aria Baghestani. The audience is invited to write a collective epilogue for the performance. The project originated from a scenic project by Argentine director Gerardo Naumann at the Institute of Theatre, Film and Media Studies at Goethe University as part of the Frankfurt Positions 2021. Funded by the Adolf and Luisa Haeuser Foundation for Art and Culture, the BHF Bank Foundation, the Teaching Fund of Goethe University, the Hessische Theaterakademie and the DAAD.

Sponsors and Supporters

Mit Marcelo Subiotto, Mara Bestelli, Bárbara Masso, Bernardo Arias Porras
Text, Regie: Mariano Pensotti
Bühne, Kostüme: Mariana Tirantte
Künstlerische Produktion: Florencia Wasser
Musik: Diego Vainer
Licht: David Seldes
Video: Martín Borini
Bühnenbildassistenz: Juan Reato
Dramaturgie: Aljoscha Begrich
Dramaturgie Münchner Kammerspiele: Martín Valdés-Stauber
Übersetzung: Miriam Denger, Svenja Becker
Übertitelung: Panthea

Los Años ist eine Produktion von Grupo Marea in Koproduktion mit Ruhrtriennale, Münchner Kammerspiele, HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm und Complejo Teatral de Buenos Aires.

Gefördert durch das Hessische Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst im Rahmen der intergenerationalen Vermittlungsinitiative ALL IN – FÜR PUBLIKUM JEDEN ALTERS.