Robert Guiskard – Geisterspiel, Trauerspiel, Fragment. Von Heinrich von Kleist.

Wolfram Koch & Peter Michalzik

Robert Guiskard – Geisterspiel, Trauerspiel, Fragment. Von Heinrich von Kleist.

Wolfram Koch & Peter Michalzik

Once upon a time, a thousand years ago, in far-off Constantinople. There is a crisis, the plague is raging in the besieging army. Fear is spreading. The people are uncertain. And what about Robert Guiskard, the leader of the Normans? For Heinrich von Kleist, it was his most important play, but he couldn't finish it, no matter how much he wanted to. For us, it is still a play about the people, about power and fear – in these times and under the influence of an epidemic. What does this old text do to us when we pick it up and read it now? What does Kleist do to us? What do we do with the virus? And what does the virus do to us? Who is playing with whom?

With Wolfram Koch, a surprise guest and the Kleist biographer Peter Michalzik.


Duration: 60 min
Language: German

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Der Kultursommer Frankfurt Rhein Main 2021 wird durchgeführt vom Künstlerhaus Mousonturm in Kooperation mit dem Kulturdezernat der Stadt Frankfurt am Main, dem Frankfurt LAB, Clubs am Main, der freitagsküche und dem Gallus Theater. Gefördert im Programm Kultursommer 2021 durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM) mit Mitteln aus NEUSTART KULTUR.