Insight Out


Insight Out


At the beginning of the year, David Bausch, Yacin Boudalfa und Ruben Fischer (YRD.Works), will present a piece specially developed for the heart of Mousonturm: the theatre hall. YRD.Works are artists-in-residence at Mousonturm and known for their interventions and spatial reinterpretations. Musically reinforced by the Hardworksoftdrink and Hotel International collectives, they create a hybrid between sculpture and club, transforming the black box into an unusual space in which conventions and potentials of different spatial devices overlap. Interior and exterior spaces, the smooth facade and the exposed structures, the individual contemplation of an object in an exhibition space, the collective experience of the theatre and the act of submerging oneself in the anonymous mass of the club – “Insight Out” invites visitors to constantly shift positions and perspectives and thus to become, for two nights, part of a sculpture, which radically transforms the Mousonturm-Saal.

No language skills required * Concept & Space: YRD.Works * Musik & Line Up: HardWorkSoftDrink (6.1.), Hotel International (12.1.) * Musik/Line Up: HardWorkSoftDrink w/ Max Vaahs, Cedric Dekowski, Felix Reifenberg, Thilo Dietrich (6.1.), Hotel International w/ Elena Colombi, Vincent Feit, Kilian Paterson (12.1.) * "Insight Out" is supported by Fonds Doppelpass der Kulturstiftung des Bundes and by the Freunde & Förderer des Mousonturms e.V.