Artist Talk

Walid Raad

Artist Talk

Walid Raad

Walid Raad's award-winning artistic work spans a wide range of media and formats. His numerous bodies of work are the result of complex and lengthy explorations. In them, convoluted global and improbable links between art, capital and wars are uncompromisingly juxtaposed with precise observations and processes of documentation. One focus lies on the recurring examination of the Lebanon wars, as reflected in "The Atlas Group (1989-2004)" or "Sweet Talk: Commissions (Beirut)". "Scratching On Things I Could Disavow", another long-term project by Raad, deals with art and its contemporary economy in the Arab world. "Artist Talk: Walid Raad" will be dedicated to images, stories and concepts from these three projects and turn Raad's own view of his work into the subject of a performance.


Duration: 90 min
Language: English