Women’s Memories / ذكريات نساء

Bissane Al Charif

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Women’s Memories / ذكريات نساء

Bissane Al Charif

Involuntarily leaving life behind and setting out into an uncertain future amounts to a catastrophe. Far from home, family and friends, but also far from the violence of war – Syrian-raised artist Bissane Al Charif experience this when she left for France, initially due to a family affair and then hastily stayed. Her work has since revolved around the subjects of migration and flight. Her installation documents the stories of eight Syrian refugee women in audio excerpts, film and photographs. The women recount their journeys, speak about things that they brought with them or had to leave behind. They also speak about the rupture, which has since defined their lives.

ALL IN - for youths aged 14+!

In Arabic with English subtitles * Im Rahmen der Frankfurter Aufführungen von „SANCTUARY“, gefördert im Fonds TURN der Kulturstiftung des Bundes.


Erstaufführung im deutschsprachigen Raum