Europe’s (In)Security

Hessische Theaterakademie & Arkadi Zaides

Europe’s (In)Security

Hessische Theaterakademie & Arkadi Zaides

In the last decade choreographer Arkadi Zaides has been exploring what he would like to call ‘Documentary Choreography’. ‘Documentary Choreography’ integrates documents (interviews, testimonies, video materials, existing archival information, and others) in the choreographic work. It strives to weave these types of factual information with embodied practices in order to question social and political realities within which this type of work is produced. Moreover, it aims at transgressing the often safe space of the artistic field and intervening through the process of creation and exposure of the artistic work in the actual political realm.

In this talk, Zaides will focus on two of his two recent projects “Talos” (2017) and “Necropolis” (2021). “Talos” takes as its starting point an EU funded project that assembled and tested an innovative robotic system for protecting the EU borders, while “Necropolis” embarked on investigating the most detailed archive to date documenting migrants’ and asylum seekers’ deaths taking place on the way to the continent. Applying his artistic practice of investigating into these documents, Zaides wishes to discuss Europe’s continuous race for securitization that consequently leads to making certain communities increasingly insecure.


The event takes place as live stream on Zoom. No registration needed.

Meeting-ID: 821 9266 1889
Kenncode: 025612