Geht der Albtraum in Brasilien zu Ende?

Paula Macedo Weiß, Andreas Nöthen and Niklas Franzen

Geht der Albtraum in Brasilien zu Ende?

Paula Macedo Weiß, Andreas Nöthen and Niklas Franzen

In October, elections will be held in Brazil. This will end the first term in office of the extreme right-wing Jair Bolsonaro, who glorifies military dictatorship and fascism and has systematically dismantled and discredited the country's social and democratic institutions, disparaging and attacking human and environmental rights. Socially, the already economically depressed country has fallen into complete disarray. Hunger is again spreading in Brazil, which less than a decade ago was considered the fifth largest economic power in the world. Will the October elections end the nightmare? Will Bolsonaro be voted out of office? Who will succeed him? What are the prospects for a new beginning?

These questions and more will be discussed by lawyer and publicist Paula Macedo Weiß and journalists Andreas Nöthen and Niklas Franzen. The evening will be moderated by literary translator and Brazil expert Michael Kegler.


Sprache: Deutsch


Paula Macedo Weiß

grew up as the daughter of an opposition politician during the military dictatorship. She has written about this time in her first book “Es war einmal in Brasilien” (Once Upon a Time in Brazil - 2021). In Frankfurt, she is, among other things, co-founder of the network Paulskirche - Democracy in the Making. Her first book of essays “Reden wir über Demokratie” (Let's Talk about Democracy) will be published soon.

Andreas Nöthen

is a long-time observer of Brazil. He lived in Rio de Janeiro for three and a half years at the time of Dilma Roussef's impeachment, the interim government, the corruption trials and the rise of Jair Bolsonaro. In 2020, he published “Bulldozer Bolsonaro. Wie ein Populist Brasilien ruiniert” (Bulldozer Bolsonaro. How a Populist is Ruining Brazil). His political biography of the ex-president and current contender in the presidential elections, Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva, has recently just been published.

Niklas Franzen

has worked as a political correspondent for various daily newspapers in Brazil and been observing political developments there for more than a decade with a special focus on right-wing extremist and anti-democratic movements. He lives alternately in Berlin and São Paulo. He recently published a selection of his journalistic texts as “Brasilien über alles. Bolsonaro und die rechte Revolte” (Brazil Over All. Bolsonaro and the Right-Wing Revolt).