Nach der Stille/Depois do Silêncio - Preview

Christiane Jatahy

Nach der Stille/Depois do Silêncio - Preview

Christiane Jatahy

In the new and final part of her trilogy on violence, Brazilian theatre maker Christiane Jatahy looks at how racism and capitalism are interwoven. From the transatlantic slave trade to the contemporary politics of the likes of Jair Bolsonaro, little if anything appears to have changed. There are those who possess land, freedom and their own identity, and those whose existence is of no value. In the award-winning novel Torto Arado by Itamar Vieira Júnior, the source material for the play, the female protagonists are engaged in a struggle against such a world order – and for an opportunity for change. Jatahy and her actors delve deep into Brazil’s history and, by extension, into that of European profiteers, too. To tell the story of the unresolved colonial violence that endures to this day, in After the Silence she blends a surprising mix of two art forms, theatre and film, allowing reality and fiction to overlap. Within the discourse on structural racism and geopolitical realities, the theatre maker has firmly established her place in Europe’s theatre landscape. Her stories are those of resistance.


Language: Portuguese with German and English surtitles

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Artistic direction, text: Christiane Jatahy
Based on the book "Torto Arado" by Itamar Vieira Júnior

With: Gal Pereira, Juliana França, Lian Gaia, Aduni Guedes
Film with inhabitants of Remanso and Iúna (Chapada Dimantina/Bahia/Brazil)
Artistic collaboration, stage, lighting: Thomas Walgrave
With music by Vitor Araujo, Aduni Guedes
Photography, camera: Pedro Faerstein
Sound design, sound mixing: Pedro Vituri
Costumes: Preta Marques
Video system: Julio Parente
Bodywork: Dani Lima
Collaboration Text: Gal Pereira, Juliana França, Lian Gaia, Tatiana Salem
Discussion Text: Ana Maria Gonçalves
Assistant director: Caju Bezerra
Camera assistance: Suelen Menezes
Sound (film): João Zula
Editing (film): Mari Becker, Paulo Camacho
Stage management, sound: Diogo Magalhães
Lighting: Leandro Barreto
Video technology: Alan de Souza
Production management: Claudia Marques
Production assistance: Divino Garcia
Coordination, tour management: Henrique Mariano
Administration: Claudia Petagna
References to and images from "Cabra marcado para morrer" by Eduardo Coutinho, Mapa Films production

A production of Cia Vertice de Teatro (Rio de Janeiro), Axis productions in

co-production with Künstlerhaus Mousonturm (Frankfurt a. M. ), Wiener Festwochen, Schauspielhaus Zürich, CENTQUATRE-PARIS, Odéon-Théâtre de l'Europe (Paris), Piccolo Teatro de Milano, ArtsEmerson (Boston), Riksteatern (Norsborg), Théâtre Dijon Bourgogne - CDN, Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles, Théâtre populaire romand La Chaux-de-fonds - Centre neuchâtelois de arts vivants, DeSingel (Antwerp), Temporada Alta - Festival de tardor de Catalunya (Salt) and Centro Dramático Nacional (Madrid).

Christiane Jatahy is Artiste associée of CENTQUATRE-PARIS, Odéon-Théâtre de l'Europe, Schauspielhaus Zürich, ArtsEmerson (Boston) and Piccolo Teatro de Milano. Cia Vertice is supported by Direction régionale des affaires culturelles d'Île-de-France - Ministère de la Culture France.

The production tours with CENTQUATRE.

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