
Les Filles de Illighadad

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Les Filles de Illighadad

There are quite a few Tuareg bands out there, but Les Filles de Illighadad
is the first female desert blues band. The fascinating music of
singer and guitarist Fatou Seidi Ghali, Alamnou Akrouni and Mariama
Salah Assouan features delicate rural soundscapes, the hypnotically
driving rhythm of the traditional Tendé drum and lyrics that reflecting
the secular and religious life of their people, the existential hardships
of the desert climate, also speak of love. While singing their suggestive
songs was once no more than a pleasant pastime for the threesome,
their concerts meanwhile command large audiences.

Im Rahmen der Frankfurter Aufführungen von „SANCTUARY“, gefördert im Fonds TURN der Kulturstiftung des Bundes.