Domino Dreams

Internationale Ensemble Modern Akademie

Domino Dreams

Internationale Ensemble Modern Akademie

This concert connects the physical characteristics of sound and the observation of human nature in a deeply sensuous way. The IEMA-Ensemble 2021 / 2022 will perform a repertoire full of contrasts, that delve into the drama of the inner self in relation to a real, outer world. Dreams and reality merge together in immersive sonic explorations through the use of surround-electronics, video and the mastery of the string quartet format.
The duality of physical sound gestures and the inner personal world invites you on an interesting musical journey to unexplored places.


Duration 75 Min.
Language: English

Sponsors and Supporters

IEMA-Ensemble 2021/22
Quentin Nivremont, IRCAM Electronics
Luca Bagnoli, IRCAM Sound diffusion

Das Werk von Hilli/Jokela ist ein Auftragswerk von Internationale Ensemble Modern Akademie, IRCAM-Centre Pompidou, Time of Music und Gaudeamus Muziekweek im Rahmen des Ulysses Netzwerkes und mit Unterstützung des Creative Europe Programme der Europäischen Union.

Die Elektronik wurde von Manuel Poletti (IRCAM Computer Music Designer) in den Studios des IRCAM-Centre Pompidou realisiert.


Pablo Garretón: Proteus Reflexions II (2022) (15‘) for ensemble and live electronics
Rebecca Saunders: Fletch (2012) (15‘) for string quartet


Sebastian Hilli/Jenny Jokela: Hibernation (2021 / 22) for large ensemble, animation and live electronics (2002) (25‘) (German premiere)