(re)enacting stag(ing) rehearsal

Katja Cheraneva

(re)enacting stag(ing) rehearsal

Katja Cheraneva

(re)enacting stag(ing) rehearsal is a performance that further examines the tension between the different states of rehearsed- staged-performed; it investigates the transgressions taking place when a private act (the rehearsal) is enacted into a public space.
Following the video work STAGING REHEARSAL(2021), this project continues to question what actually happens in rehearsal processes and what happens to them as soon as they are shown and documented. The translation from life-into-video-into-life performance and the relationship between (un)staging of bodies and video cameras creates an inception-like feedback loop between the camera gaze and the present bodies; a re-enactment of the past through technology of the lens itself.*

* This work(a project?) began a long time ago. In a way, through this project, I have experienced what many have experienced during the pandemic - the constant uncertainty on whether the event will eventually occur. I often thought that maybe this project's fate was never to be staged. Maybe, like Master and Margarita by Bulgakov( ah, that would be such a compliment!), it is doomed never to be staged but to remain alive only in my imagination. Perhaps this is the only way it can be true to its first intention? I became so attached to that location that I felt broken-hearted. I am in grief.
Could a theatre be where the work suppose to land? Is it its logical destination? Would this project finally end, locked up in the walls of the theatre?
How ironic. While rehearsing with Dudu and Gio, I imagined the work to take place in a theatre. It made so much sense. But now, I am uncertain. What is that space that the work needs to inhabit? - Katja Cheraneva, an entry note 10.02.2022


Dauer: 60 Min.
Sprache: Englisch

Please note: Neither a ticket nor registration is required to attend the event.

Sponsors and Supporters

A dance performance by Katja Cheraneva in close collaboration with Viktorija Ilioska, Giovanni Sortino, Dudu Quintanilha, Ksenia Ravvina and Nastia Ivanova.

Performers: Katja Cheraneva, Viktorija Ilioska
With performative intervention by Beschwerde Choir
Sound: Antonia Beeskow, Laura Stellacci
Light: Carina Premer
Technical support: Laura Stellacci
Outside eye and artists in dialogue: Laura Stellacci, Raha Dehghani Vinicheh, Antonia Beeskow
Production Manager: Raha Dehghani Vinicheh
Costume Designer : Debruha
Documentation: Dudu Quintanilha

With (in)visible presence of: Giovanni Sortino, Dudu Quintanilha, Nastia Ivanova, Fabrice Mazliah, Josh Johnson and The Forsythe Company

Special thanks to: Amina Szecsödy, Carina Premer, Martina Ruhsam, Bojana Kunst, Ayla Pierrot Arendt, Ernst Skoog, Lea Letzel, Tadas Almantas, Vega Diesveld, Yeji Lim, Xavier Lott, Andrii Punko, Emma Rasmussen, Ilgim Uz, Emanuela Vurro.