Workshop „Solidarity City”

Workshop „Solidarity City”

The alliance Solidarity City Frankfurt that was founded in September 2017 models itself on the international network of cities that have declared themselves cities of refuge, sanctuary cities or solidarity cities. Their aim is equal living conditions for all people living in the city, regardless of their nationality or residence status. This also includes protection from deportation. As a result solidarity cities wish to make it a duty of city administrations to protect refugees and people with no papers from deportation or repression.
The workshop will be about introducing the concept of the solidarity city with the aid of guests from Hamburg and Zurich, discussing the possibility of an organization here or actions such as the “Urban Citizenship Card” and thinking how these might operate in the context of Frankfurt  and the region.

German with whispered translation * With Niels Boeing (journalist and author, active in the network Right to the City Hamburg), Katharina Morawek (curator and co-founder of the civic political initiative "We are all Zürich", associated with INES – Institute New Switzerland), Solidarity City Frankfurt and local initiatives * Die Veranstaltungen finden statt in Kooperation mit Solidarity City Frankfurt, Offenes Haus der Kulturen e.V., AK Kritische Geographie und Medico International e.V. im Rahmen der Reihe "Solidarität - Stadt - Frankfurt“ * Im Rahmen der Frankfurter Aufführungen von „SANCTUARY“, gefördert im Fonds TURN der Kulturstiftung des Bundes