“We gather memories and learn them. We visit old people’s homes and dance classes. Celebrate the potato festival, go on trips to Phantasialand, dig out old photos, sing along and listen carefully. We are searching for memories that will disappear because they get forgotten as a result of forms of dementia.” In the company &sistig’s research project ‘COPYSHOP’ the performer Judith Altmeyer becomes a living archive of vanishing memories. She copies, repeats, memorizes and forgets. She represents Grandma, a cowgirl, a childhood photo, a certificate and a symbol. What potential does forgetfulness have to offer? Can we also remember the future? And who does your memory actually belong to? A performance about power and the possibilities of memory, a lecture in forgetting, almost even a dance piece – a montage of what there once was and what might eventually be (there).

In German * Konzept, Inszenierung, Dramaturgie: Filomena Krause, Julia Salzmann, Bastian Sistig * Performance: Judith Altmeyer, Angelika Löfflat * Bühne: Josephine Hans * Sound: burgund t brandt * Kostüm: Maylin Habig * Licht: Florian Fink * Video: Jonas Fischer * Produktionsleitung: Christian Schuller * Outside-Eye: Philipp Röding * Ein Koproduktion von &sistig, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Maschinenhaus Essen und der Hessischen Theaterakademie * In Kooperation mit der Evangelischen Andreasgemeinde Niederhöchstadt und der Initiative WIR TANZEN WIEDER! * Ermöglicht durch das Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt am Main, die Stiftung Citoyen und die studentische Filmförderung der Goethe Universität.


Premiere * Mousonturm-Cooperation