Das Mobilalbanische Wohnzimmer: Film „Madgermanes“

Malte Wandel

Das Mobilalbanische Wohnzimmer: Film „Madgermanes“

Malte Wandel

In the 1980s, about 16,000 young Mozambicans had been employed as contract workers in the former German Democratic Republic. Up to 60 % of their earnings were withheld and transferred to Mozambique. After the fall of the Berlin Wall the contract workers were sent back home over night. 28 years later the so-called Madgermanes still march the streets of Maputo every week and claim the outstanding payments. The Mozambican government owes the Madgermanes nearly 100 million US-dollars.

ALL IN - for all aged 14+!

Portuguese with German and English subtitles * Author: Malte Wandel * Camera: Malte Wandel * Sound: Benjamin Pfohl * Editor: João da Costa Pinto * Producer: Christof Groos * Production: Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln *  Year: 2015 * Supported by Film und Medienstiftung NRW * Im Rahmen der Frankfurter Aufführungen von „SANCTUARY“, gefördert im Fonds TURN der Kulturstiftung des Bundes.