
what about: fuego


what about: fuego

The performance “Kriegsrahmen” transforms the stage into a laboratory that explores and questions the power of images. It focuses on 32 photographs – some of which are known and have won awards – which are described in detail but not shown. The photos were taken between 1989 – the year the performer Ignacia González was born – and 2021, and they document in striking and moving terms the human suffering in various zones around the world affected by war and crisis. While González assumes the role of the people photographed, reproducing their poses, live descriptions of the images bring the pictures to life before our inner eye and place them within their historical context. At the same time, this inspires critical reflection on the respective images and photography itself: what does a photograph aim to achieve? What effect does it have? What does it do to the viewer, and to the person pictured? Does photo-journalism have ethical boundaries? And: Can a picture change the world?


Age recommendation: 14+ / Suitable for school classes from grade 8
Languages: German
Duration: 60 minutes

Sponsors and Supporters

Regie: María Giacaman
Performance: Ignacia González
Dramaturgie: Miriam Bini Schmidt
Szenographie: Linda Bühlmann
Licht- und Videodesign: Friederike Hänsel
Sounddesign, Drum Machine und Stimme: Szerafina Schiesser
Sounddesign und Tontechnik: Juan Giacaman
Produktionsleitung: Miriam Bini Schmidt & María Giacaman

Koproduziert durch das Schauspielhaus Hannover, das Theaterhaus Hildesheim und die Universität Hildesheim im Programm ComingOut mit Unterstützung des Landesverbands Freier Theater in Niedersachsen e. V.