Kaffee mit Zucker?

Laia Ribera Cañénguez

Kaffee mit Zucker?

Laia Ribera Cañénguez

Laia RiCa’s complex and lively production “Kaffee mit Zucker?” shifts between a performance with materials, puppet theatre and biographical and contemporary documentary theatre.

I don’t drink coffee – I’ve never liked it – but I’ve been told that good coffee tastes complex and varied – and perhaps the same goes for this theatre experience: a mixture of biographically supported stories (about aspects of identity politics such as family history and everyday racism), lecture performance (about post-colonial continuities, consumption and globalisation), live music and singing, and performative elements with the addition of sound and video clips that have been edited together and distorted. What Laia Ribera Cañénguez and Yahima Piedra Córdova mix together in our presence is extremely interdisciplinary, synaesthetic, playful and surprisingly accessible. In their most varied forms, the two materials coffee and sugar, as a metaphor of different identifying markers, enter a poetic relationship of dominance and interaction, consistently remaining open to similar and other questions of identity and allegiance.


Age: 12+ / Suitable for school classes from grade 6.
Languages: German (30.9.), Spanish (1.10.)
Duration: 60 minutes

Sponsors and Supporters

Künstlerische Leitung, Text und Spiel: Laia Ribera Cañénguez
Dramaturgie und Außenblick: Antonio Cerezo
Musik (Live Performance): Yahima Piedra Córdova
Live Visuals: Daniela del Pomar
Künstlerische Mitarbeit: Leicy Valenzuela
Bühnenbild: Marian Nketiah
Lichtdesign: Vanessa Farfán
Licht on Tour: Vanessa Farfán und Sebastián Solórzano
Dramaturgische Beratung: Ruschka Steininger
Produktionsassistenz: Rodrigo Zorzanelli Cavalcanti

Eine Produktion von Laia RiCa in Koproduktion mit der GFP München/wunder. Internationales Figurentheaterfestival. Gefördert durch die Einzelprojektförderung der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa.
Die Recherche wurde unterstützt durch das Residenzprogramm Schloss Bröllin, Fidena Residenz-Programm und TakeCare Residenz/ Fonds Darstellende Künste.