
She She Pop


She She Pop

Women over 50 are rarely seen on stage – and when they are, then usually as step- or grandmothers. In the theatre performance “Hexploitation”, She She Pop address the fact that the ageing, female body has been excluded from the public gaze. In an illuminating and brilliant way, they demonstrate how the patriarchy, capitalism and bourgeois theatre wish to divest themselves of older women. They do this by reinventing the witch on stage – as a radical breaker of taboos. Making ruthless use of a live camera, the performers confront us with realities that transcend society’s expectations of female bodies and dare to attempt a self-constructed counter-narrative: with all their faults, wishes and desires, that do not fit into the patriarchal version of the story. “As a woman you are stuck in a story that you haven’t written.” In a playful but painful way, “Hexploitation” shows how power operates, how it constrains reality and overwrites other narratives – and how difficult it is to put forward alternative approaches. At the same time, the theatre performance takes great joy in naked bodies and self-images that defy the norm.


Age recommendation: 16+
Languages: German
Duration: approx. 1 hour 30 minutes
Notes: Contains scenes of explicit nudity

Sponsors and Supporters

Von und mit Sebastian Bark, Johanna Freiburg, Fanni Halmburger, Lisa Lucassen, Mieke Matzke, Ilia Papatheodorou, Berit Stumpf.

Musik: Santiago Blaum
Performance Musik: Santiago Blaum, Benjamin Horstmann
Kamera und Videoinstallation: Benjamin Krieg
Bühne: Sandra Fox
Kostüme: Lea Søvsø
Mitarbeit Kostüm: Lili Hillerich und Mads Dinesen
Künstlerische und dramaturgische Mitarbeit: Laia Ribera Cañénguez
Sounddesign: Manuel Horstmann
Sound: Torsten Schwarzbach
Licht: Michael Lentner
Technische Leitung: Sven Nichterlein
Video Assistenz: Daniela Garcia del Pomar, Fine Freiberg
Feinmechanik Kamerasteuerung: Thilo Gödel
Embedded Software Ingenieur – Kamerasteuerung: Grzegorz Zajac
Hospitanz: Carolin Bodensteiner, Rodrigo Zorzanelli Cavalcanti
Produktionsleitung: Valeria Germain
PR, Kommunikation: ehrliche arbeit – freies Kulturbüro
Freie Mitarbeit Kommunikation: Tina Ebert
Finanzadministration: Aminata Oelßner
Company Management: Elke Weber.

Dank an Veronica Dyas (Dublin), Claudia Opitz (Basel), Eva von Redecker (Berlin), Takako Shibata (Tokyo)

Eine Produktion von She She Pop in Koproduktion mit HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, Kampnagel Hamburg, Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm, FFT Düsseldorf, Residenz Schauspiel Leipzig, HELLERAU – Europäisches Zentrum der Künste, Kaserne Basel und Festival delle Colline Torinesi Turin / TPE – Teatro Piemonte Europa.

Gefördert durch die Kulturstiftung des Bundes und die Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa.