Nach dem Ende der Versammlung II: Das Parlament


Nach dem Ende der Versammlung II: Das Parlament


Even the timeline of this Zoom performance is messed up: it might have already happened. For example, it may be that the classic places of assembly in bourgeois societies and democracies – theatres and city halls – proved to be dispensable after the Covid pandemic was over. They simply weren’t needed any more: the places are even falling apart and citizens have already had to launch campaigns to preserve them. In “Nach dem Ende der Versammlung”, andpartnersincrime harness the dystopian potential of the near future in an essayistic tour of the Frankfurt Römer, once the beacon of a now-failed representative democracy. Using photos of the building’s architecture, filled with symbols of governance, sweeping digressions through its actual or imagined history and interviews with eye-witnesses of the bygone age of representation, they generate a highly emotive, and often very funny intellectual journey to the heart of an endangered democracy. It also looks at the relationship between places for political and economic assembly in the business hub that is Frankfurt. And it doesn’t matter that “Nach dem Ende der Versammlung” now almost seems a historical document itself. As a classic lockdown performance, this work is also proof of theatre’s imaginative power at a time of its own greatest crisis. Of a theatre that tonight also ultimately takes a look at itself: what would have the theatre been like if – perhaps fortunately? – everything had not turned out differently after all?


Age: 14+
Language: German
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Notes: Zoom performance - The piece assumed a routine use of the computer and the Zoom video conferencing service.

Sponsors and Supporters

Text und Künstlerische Leitung: Eleonora Herder
Dramaturgie und Recherche: Tim Schuster
Performerin und Sprecherin: Shahrzad Osterer
Komposition, Sounddesign, Performance:  Marc Behrens
Live-Musik: Kartini Suharto-Martin
Gestaltung und Bühnenbild: Anna Sukhova
Kostüm: Tanya Tverdokhlebova
Video: Julia Novacek
Regie- und Dramaturgieassistenz: Ceren Yildirim
Produktionsleitung: Anna Maria Bolender
Rechtswissenschaftliche Beratung: Leon Züllig
Theaterwissenschaftliche Beratung: Julia Schade
Mit Redebeiträgen von: Inga Bendukat, Stephan Siegler und Matthias Pees

Eine Produktion von andpartnersincrime in Kooperation mit dem Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm und dem Historischen Museum Frankfurt. Gefördert von Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt, dem Hessischen Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst und dem Fonds Darstellende Künste.