
Eisa Jocson

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Eisa Jocson

Right before her performance at the Tanzplattform Deutschland in Essen, Eisa Jocson presents her production „Princess“ again at Mousonturm. In films and leisure parks, the Disney imperium has made Snow White the essence of the Happy Girl. From Los Angeles to Hong Kong, princess-actresses enchant audiences by waving and smiling. The choreographer Eisa Jocson, who lives in Manila, observes this apparently universal performance of happiness from a
particular perspective: Disneyland Hong Kong is the largest employer for Philippine dancers in the region, but because of the colour of their skin they are only cast in nameless subsidiary roles. Jocson, together
with the performance artist Russ Ligtas, puts an end to this by appropriating the physicality of Snow White and creating a playing field of identities.

In English *  Artistic direction & choreography: Eisa Jocson * Performance: Eisa Jocson, Russ Ligtas * Music: Marc Appart * Creative presence: Arco Renz, Tang Fu Kuen * Light Design: Florian Bach * Coaching: Rasa Alksnyte * A production by Eisa Jocson and Künstlerhaus Mousonturm * In co-production with Frankfurter Positionen, an initiative by BHF-Bank Stiftung, Münchner Kammerspiele and tanzhaus nrw * Supported within the framework of the Alliance of International Production Houses by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media * Supported by Pianofabriek Brüssel and Para Site.

