
Joana Tischkau


Joana Tischkau

“PLAYBLACK” explores the ambivalent potential of the copy ­– as a tender gesture of homage, as an expression of solidarity and as a provocative strategy of caricature. We love Jacko. We become Jacko. We surrender to the ambivalent possibility of temporarily becoming someone else. We go to the limits of the identities attributed to us and probe the weak points in the logic of representation. It's showtime, baby. Off into the magic sphere.


Made possible as part of the 20th anniversary of the Hessian Theatre Academy. Complete programme at


Duration: 55 min
Language: English and German

Made possible as part of the 20th anniversary of the Hessian Theatre Academy. Complete programme at

Sponsors and Supporters

Konzept & Choreografie: Clara Reiner, Joana Tischkau
Tonregie: Jan Gehmlich
Dramaturgie: Elisabeth Hampe
Performance: Annedore Antrie, Clara Reiner, Joana Tischkau
Chor aus Frankfurt
Kostüm: Ina Trenk / Print: Nadine Bakota
Lichtdesign: Dennis Dieter Kopp
Technische Leitung: Hendrik Borowski
Grafik Design/Bühne: Justus Gelberg
Produktionsleitung: Lisa Gehring
Assistenz: Laura-Marie Pressmar

Eine Produktion von Joana Tischkau in Kooperation mit dem Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm und dem Studiengang Choreographie und Performance im Rahmen der Hessischen Theaterakademie, gefördert durch das Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt.

Besonderer Dank geht an Bojana Kunst, Vanessa Thompson, Heiner Goebbels, Elisa Liepsch, Aran Kleebauer, Daniel Shaw.