Early Reflections. Audio Theatre from the Underground

Hannes Seidl

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Early Reflections. Audio Theatre from the Underground

Hannes Seidl

“There were slight irritations TODAY because F'agotty had confused his mouthpiece with that of Trømp. The SIGNALIUM then developed backwards, so to speak, but all in all it was understandable (category: aktsepteeritav). Not unproductive!  (13.01.1911, BUDAPEST – KÁLVIN TÉR)”

With cymbals, triangles, thunder sheets, large drums and lots of reverb, the four percussionists of Ensemble This | Ensemble That transport the audience into a crashing, rustling echo chamber beneath the city. With the help of light and sound, they take us into the life of Europe's B-levels. Alongside passers-by, homeless people, fruit sellers, cleaning vehicles and street musicians, these places are animated by a community that observes and documents us. Under the term SIGNALIUM, a “collective” that is as strange as it is intangible summarises the experimental results it produces through its interventions in public spaces across Europe's underground passages. Their names sound like passwords. They always distance themselves from the “people” by inverted commas. Apparently they travel through time. Are they post-human? Aliens? Or simply fetishists?

“Early Reflections” is the prelude to a series of very different works in and about life under the city.

In acoustics, echoes from walls in a room are called “early reflections”. They tell us about the place we are in long before we even see it: whether they be tiled walls, large halls with low ceilings, concrete columns or winding corridors.


“Early Reflections” is the prelude to a series of very different works in and about life under the city.

In acoustics, echoes from walls in a room are called “early reflections”. They tell us about the place we are in long before we even see it: whether they be tiled walls, large halls with low ceilings, concrete columns or winding corridors.

Duration: 60 min
Language: German
Content Note: extreme volumes
World premiere

Sponsors and Supporters

Hannes Seidl: Künstlerische Leitung, Komposition
Mara Genschel: Text
Ensemble This | Ensemble That: Schlagzeug, Komposition
Sebastian Schackert: Lichtdesign, Technische Leitung
David Hoffmann: Ton
formfellows: Visuelle Gestaltung
ehrliche arbeit – freies kulturbüro: Produktionsleitung

Early Reflections ist eine Koproduktion von Hannes Seidl & Briefkastenfirma GbR und dem Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm in Kooperation mit basis Frankfurt e.V. Gefördert durch das Kulturamt Frankfurt am Main. Gefördert durch das Kulturamt Frankfurt am Main. Teile der Arbeit wurden ermöglich durch das Karl-Sczuka-Recherchestipendium“, das jährlich in Zusammenarbeit von SWR und dem Goethe-Institut vergeben wird.