Nevertheless! – On the Situation of the Independent Arts

laPROF & Fonds Darstellende Künste

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Nevertheless! – On the Situation of the Independent Arts

laPROF & Fonds Darstellende Künste

The independent performing arts were and are particularly affected by situations of crisis. In order to support artists from this field, the Fonds Darstellende Künste (Performing Arts Fund) initiated and funded around 25 laboratories between May and August 2022, ranging from puppet and object theatre to music theatre, from dance to performance and drama to theatre in public spaces and contemporary circus. The film documents the artistic work and research carried out by these (also digital) laboratories distributed throughout the Federal Republic of Germany in times of social transformation. Statements by Danny Banany, Mable Preach, Mieke Matzke, Simone Dede Ayivi, Stefan Kaegi, Susanne Schuster and others are shown on the big screen, and numerous curators and artistic directors from various production venues and festivals are likewise featured. “Nevertheless! - On the Situation of the Independent Arts” demonstrates the polyphony of aesthetics, practices and locations and combines them into a common language.


Further screening dates at

Talk with:
MdB Thorsten Lieb (FDP, Haushalt)
Holger Bergmann (Fonds Darstellende Künste)
Jan Deck (laPROF)

Duration: 70 Min.
Language: German, English

At the event, the publication Producing Performing Arts – Aus dem Maschinenraum der freien darstellenden Künste  (ed. Dod/Wildermann, Alexander Verlag Berlin) will be sold at a book table. "Producing Performing Arts" is a publication of the Alliance of International Production Houses.

Sponsors and Supporters

Buch und Regie: Janina Möbius
Ralf Ilgenfritz, Michael Weihrauch, Lorenz Haarmann, Michael Schaff
Ralf Weber
Michael Weihrauch
Stefanie Saghri
Victor Gangl
Farbkorrektur und Mischung:
Ralf Ilgenfritz
Malene Düvell, Tara Höfer
Bertram Zacharias, Nalan Kahriman
Irene Höfer
Marie Deuflhard, Steffen Klewar, Sebastian Köthe, Elisabeth Wellershaus.

Produktion: Medea Film Factory im Auftrag des Fonds Darstellende Künste. Gefördert durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen von NEUSTART KULTUR.