Schwarz. Deutsch. Weiblich.

Hessisches Literaturforum im Mousonturm & Natasha A. Kelly

Schwarz. Deutsch. Weiblich.

Hessisches Literaturforum im Mousonturm & Natasha A. Kelly

Far too often, white people tend to conceive of feminism as one-dimensional and oppression as singular. What is missing is an understanding that Black Women and Women of Colour are simultaneously subjected to different forms of oppression. In her book, Natasha A. Kelly shows how elitism and racial prejudice have long dominated Western feminist discourse, preventing feminism from being open to all. To change this, she tells the story of Black feminism in Germany through personal and collective experiences and historical highlights.


Duration: approx 90 Min.
Language: German
Prsentation: Mirrianne Mahn

In cooperation with Hessisches Literaturforum

Sponsors and Supporters

In Kooperation mit dem Hessischen Literaturforum im Mousonturm e.V., im Rahmen der Wiesbadener Literaturtage 2023: Zu Gast bei Adriana Altaras, veranstaltet vom Kulturamt Wiesbaden mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain.