Knitting Reveries / Träumereien beim Stricken

Bojana Kunst & Damjana Černe

Knitting Reveries / Träumereien beim Stricken

Bojana Kunst & Damjana Černe

„Everything is entangled, which is why you have to be very careful when you start knitting. Count the stitches carefully and make sure they don’t escape from the needle. Once you’ve knitted something, it will be easier, but if you’re not careful, it will fall apart, knot up and you’ll have to count again.” That’s what Oma used to say to little Bojana. So many years later, they are talking again – this time on a theatre stage and at the intersection between feminism, politics, ethics and ecology, in a mix of memory and reflection. Caring is not only an intimate commitment, it is also a political question. In her theatre essay, Bojana Kunst, philosopher and performance theorist Bojana Kunst, together with her co-actor Damjana Černe, reflects on it and weaves it with caution, depth and care.


Duration: 60 min.
Language: English

German premiere

Sponsors and Supporters

Boštjan Narat (curator)
Bojana Kunst (author and performer)
Damjana Černe (performer)
Sven Horvat (sound technician)
Kristina Kokalj (light technician)
Demijan Pintarič (production assistant, technical support)

Co-produced by The New Post Office (Mladinsko Theatre and Maska Ljubljana) and Moment Maribor

Das Projekt „Slowenien – Ehrengast der Frankfurter Buchmesse 2023, ein Modell zur nachhaltigen internationalen Förderung des slowenischen literarischen Schaffens, wird von der Republik Slowenien und der Europäischen Union im Rahmen des Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung kofinanziert.