Modern Heartbreak. Feministischer lieben

Laura Melina Berling

Modern Heartbreak. Feministischer lieben

Laura Melina Berling

In this book, Laura Melina Berling demonstrates that all the contradictions and ambivalences of love can bring us closer to who we really are. By embodying pain, vulnerability and doubt, it accompanies us on the path to transforming these challenging feelings into strength and emotional depth. We need more books like this that do justice to the multifaceted nature and complexity of love. – Emilia Roig

We've all had heartbreak to a greater or lesser degree. But do you already know which heartbreak type you are? If not, you can test it this evening with a reading and a talk and a discussion of romantic love. “Modern Heartbreak” is about they ways in which patriarchal patterns, gender stereotypes and other power structures constantly interfere in our love lives and how they decide who we desire and why. It takes a look at the history of love and asks why so many of us are not happy. Why we swipe and swipe but are still clueless. What is love and what is not? Can we be more intersectional, more critical of power and more feminist in the way in which we love? How do we as a society deal with loss and separation and how are our private stories interwoven with romantic clichés?


Duration: 60 minutes
Language: German

Sponsors and Supporters

Das Projekt wurde vom Hessischen Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst gefördert.