
Paula Macedo Weiß, Rebecca SchmidtAurea Pereira Steberl and Michael Kegler


Paula Macedo Weiß, Rebecca SchmidtAurea Pereira Steberl and Michael Kegler

Young Aurea recognised that she would not be able to escape the misery of poverty and lack of education, lack of opportunities and systemic discrimination as a black woman at home in Brazil – so she decided to move to Germany. Given her precarious starting point, this alone is a gigantic, almost unimaginably courageous step. And what follows is a series of acts of brave perseverance, courageous self-assertion and tirelessly repeated demands for basic human rights.

The book “Aurea” is a collaborative work, the result of Áurea Pereira Steberl's storytelling and Paula Macedo Weiß' writing. Based on a true story, this book is the sum of the two authors' different perspectives and life situations – a shared fiction and a shared dream. In conversation with translator Michael Kegler and moderator Rebecca Schmidt, the two authors will unfold these perspectives and provide insights into the recently published book.


Duration: 90 Min.
Language: German, Brazilian Portuguese with German translation