Hatten wir nicht mal Sex in den 80ern? Lesung mit Musik und bunten Bildern

Timo Blunck

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Hatten wir nicht mal Sex in den 80ern? Lesung mit Musik und bunten Bildern

Timo Blunck

November 2014: A sold-out concert, a brilliant comeback. The Zimmermänner present their new album “Ein Hund namens Arbeit”. Suddenly, Timo Blunck collapses. Sirens, hospital. While the remaining Zimmermänner continue playing without him, Blunck is struggling at death’s door at the other end of the city: intestinal obstruction, emergency operation, hospitalized for four weeks, the works. Just imagine – one moment you’re on stage in a fancy suit, the next you’re in a hospital double room, roped into one of those degrading nightgowns. It can really make you think. Time to take stock. And Blunck took stock. “Didn’t We Have Sex in the 80’s?” is his musical autobiography, for which he recorded all instruments himself. In its bluntness it is pretty disturbing and painful, but in spite of death, bad drugs, broken relationships and all the other unpleasant stuff, it is never lacking in humour.