
Ayla Pierrot Arendt & Carolina Mendonça


Ayla Pierrot Arendt & Carolina Mendonça

“Wonder-Inn” welcomes multiple needs and imaginations emerging from within the im*possible bodies festival. Built as a little archipelago, the fluid space installation by Ayla Pierrot Arendt is an invitation for co-habitation. Opening each day from 4–10 p.m., discussions, dances, queer talks and drinks will allow deepening exchange. Translucid walls and body-shaped surfaces propose a non-neutral space that adapts for communication and rest. Colors and lights change the mood organically. Water drops from hanging bags satisfy one´s thirst. Carolina Mendonça´s interest in fictional spaces as alternative grounds for activities and gatherings will, together with the artists and other collaborators, activate the “Wonder-Inn” through different formats and continuously transform it.

Das Projekt "im*possible bodies. Performing sharing celebrating. Festival für utopische Praxis" wird gefördert durch die Kulturstiftung des Bundes und unterstützt durch die Freunde und Förderer des Mousonturms e.V. (f.f.m).