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KICK-ASS-QUEEREEOKÉ puts an end to suppression and conformity.
KICK-ASS-QUEEREEOKÉ discovers the diva in you.
KICK-ASS-QUEEREEOKÉ is not just karaoke – it’s a life philosophy.
Finally, everyone and anyone can euphorically, crazily, huskily, sweatily, roughly, noisily perform freestyle, glitter pop songs, all-time classics and forgotten one-hit wonders to their heart’s desire. It’s time to free your inner Queer!

Das Projekt "im*possible bodies. Performing sharing celebrating. Festival für utopische Praxis" wird gefördert durch die Kulturstiftung des Bundes und unterstützt durch die Freunde und Förderer des Mousonturms e.V. (f.f.m).