Double Bill/Elephant & 50 Acts

Rabih Mroué & Wendy Houston

Double Bill/Elephant & 50 Acts

Rabih Mroué & Wendy Houston

The performance program of the Hollins University ends with a promising double bill. Rabih Mroué, actually known as director, actor and media artist, presents “Elephant”: his second choreography created for the Dance On ensemble. Together with Ty Boomershine and Jone San Martin, he has made a touching duet, a parable of life in the face of a world increasingly unsettled by war and displacement.

Wendy Houston, who has left her mark on the British dance and performance scene for more than 30 years, initiates a humorous sweeping swipe at life in her solo “50 Acts”. In fifty acts, she fights, with recourse to political manifestos, songs, confessions and other forms of expression, prejudices against age and other garbage of modernity, which shape our views of today’s world.

In English / Das Gastspiel findet im Rahmen des Sommerprogramms der Hollins University statt. Ermöglicht durch die Hollins University in Kooperation mit dem Studiengang MACoDE der Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt, der Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company und dem Frankfurt LAB.


In Englisch
€ 19 / erm. € 9

Das Gastspiel findet im Rahmen des Sommerprogramms der Hollins University statt. Ermöglicht durch die Hollins University in Kooperation mit dem Studiengang MACoDE der Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt, der Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company und dem Frankfurt LAB.