An Attempt To Fail At Groundbreaking Theatre With Pina Arcade Smith

Tony Rizzi and the Bad Habits

An Attempt To Fail At Groundbreaking Theatre With Pina Arcade Smith

Tony Rizzi and the Bad Habits

Pina Bausch, Penny Arcade and Jack Smith! If you think that these three – the pioneer of dance theatre, the New York avant-garde performance artist and author and finally the queerest underground film director of all time – are too much for a single stage, Frankfurt choreographer and dancer Antony Rizzi is here to prove you wrong. His brilliantly staged attempt at failure is simultaneously the finale of the Mousonturm program EXTRA TROUBLE, which begins November 22nd and presents original films by New York avant-garde artist Jack Smith, accompanied by lectures, talks, events, an exhibition and performances by stars of the international queer culture, performance and dance scene.

Concept, Choreography, Video: Antony Rizzi * Text: Antony Rizzi, Penny Arcade * With Irene Klein and Antony Rizzi * Production: Künstlerhaus Mousonturm * Funded by the Hessian Ministery of Science and Art.