A Place in the Sun: Costumes and Heroes in the Post-Colonial Era

Nicolas Henry

A Place in the Sun: Costumes and Heroes in the Post-Colonial Era

Nicolas Henry

During Indian Day in New Orleans, Afro-American dancers parade through the streets in extravagant costumes. Dressed as Native American chieftains, they honour the generosity and memory of the tribes, who helped their ancestors, the runaway slaves. In Namibia, Herero men celebrate independence from German colonial rule with a parade in which they wear officer’s costumes decorated with attributes of their conquered foes. Based on these two traditions, French photographer Nicolas Henry examines costumes and disguise as a means of understanding the Other, the Foreign in “A Place in the Sun”. The installation in Frankfurt is a continuation of his photo narrative “Kitihawa’s Chandelier”, of which select pieces will be on view at the Galerie Parisa Kind from 29 January onwards.


An event within the context of the Frankfurter Positionen 2019, an initiative of the BHF BANK Foundation. The Network of Frankfurt Positions 2019: BHF-BANK Foundation, Deutsches Theater Berlin, Ensemble Modern, Frankfurt LAB, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt am Main, Institut für Sozialforschung (IfS), Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique (Ircam), Kaserne Basel, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main, Schauspiel Frankfurt, Schauspiel Stuttgart, S. Fischer Verlag, Städelschule/Portikus, Verlag der Autoren, Medienpartner hr2-kultur.