Frankfurter Positionen 2019

Frankfurter Positionen 2019

At the limits of understanding

Language is an indiscriminate tool of communication, which not only attempts to solve the struggle for consensus, but also in contrary leads to exclusion and demarcation. At the present, it appears as if the battle for power and interpretation is now more than ever being fought with “corrupted language”, with “alternative facts” and “fake news”. Language is being used to stir up fears and opinions and to dictate political action – propaganda in the age of globalisation and digital media. Almost all conflicting groups currently splitting society have barricaded themselves into echo chambers, while rejecting dialog. How can we manage to resume the path of united decision-making and seek out unprejudiced conciliation, while respecting individual freedom? Or is society already at the precipice of the “limits of understanding”? Under the motto “At the limits of understanding” the Frankfurter Positionen 2019 want to place a focus on the use of language in the context of an increasingly polarised society. Once again, the festival assembles contemporary positions and new works from the fields of drama, performance, choreography, visual arts and composition.


Sponsors and Supporters

Frankfurter Positionen 2019 ist eine Initiative der BHF BANK Stiftung. Das Netzwerk der Frankfurter Positionen 2019:  BHF-BANK-Stiftung, Deutsches Theater Berlin, Ensemble Modern, Frankfurt LAB, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt am Main, Institut für Sozialforschung (IfS), Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique (Ircam), Kaserne Basel, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main, Schauspiel Frankfurt, Schauspiel Stuttgart, S. Fischer Verlag, Städelschule/Portikus, Verlag der Autoren, Medienpartner hr2-kultur

Fúria (Wut)

Lia Rodrigues Companhia de Danças
24. – 26. January 2019

Lullaby Experience

Ensemble Modern, Pascal DusapinClaus Guth and IRCAM
02. and 03. February 2019

Crossing Roads

Ensemble Modern & Bridges - Musik verbindet
08. February 2019

FP Extra

Susanne Zaun
12. November 2018

FP Extra

Konstantin Küspert
19. November 2018

FP Extra

Jetse Batelaan
03. December 2018

FP Extra

Pascal Dusapin
10. December 2018

FP Extra

Daniel Cremer
14. January 2019

FP Extra

Lia Rodrigues Companhia de Danças
21. January 2019

FP Extra

Ferdinand Schmalz
28. January 2019