„Alle heißt alle!“ oder „Revolten der Würde“ – Die Aufstände im Iran, Irak und Libanon

medico international e.V.

„Alle heißt alle!“ oder „Revolten der Würde“ – Die Aufstände im Iran, Irak und Libanon

medico international e.V.

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The Middle East is once again in turmoil. Whether it’s the Whatsapp tax or the fact that the price of gasoline has tripled – although the triggers may differ, tens of thousands have taken to the streets and squares of Lebanon, Iraq and Iran for months now all fighting for the same reason: the prospect of a decent life. Across all denominations, they are calling for a fundamental revision of their political systems and the removal of the elite class. It is a struggle for dignity, freedom and democracy. Some protests are being brutally suppressed: in Iran, the Internet is blocked and police are shooting at demonstrators, thousands have been injured and hundreds are dead in Iraq, and in Beirut, public squares are disappearing under tear gas. And yet – the debate tents have not yet been dismantled, demonstrators continue to fight for their demands. Are there similarities or links between the uprisings? What chances and “new” perspectives are there for the region? What does solidarity mean today?


Sprache: German
With: Mina Khani (iranische Publizistin), Ansar Jasim (Publizistin Irak/Berlin) und Anti Racism Movement (Beirut, Libanon)