

Teo Ala-Ruona, Tuukka Haapakorpi

"With each finger movement that I've pressed on my larynx, I've exorcised the ghost out of me, through my esophagus and mouth, my face covered in haematomas."

Extinct is a sound piece that composes ghostly and transcendental bodily experiences into a verbal and musical incantation. The piece portrays a transbody as a haunted house that is inhabited by a ghost: a character composed of past memories. The piece stretches in time by playing with various images emerging from the past, the present and the act of them reuniting in the speaking/singing body.

The piece is an autofictional horror story about phantasmal shapeshifting, abjects, trauma, reincarnation and alluring voids in the body, into which the listener is welcome to dive. Extinct is an endeavour to harness the abysmal heat rising from within these voids and to convert it into immeasurable and shared pleasures of the body, gender and multitude of selves.

—> More informations about the event and the entire festival programme via Nocturnal Unrest


Language: English

Trigger Warning: The piece includes screaming and spitting and talk about eating disorder (bulimia), vomiting, excrements, sex, suicide and death.

Sponsors and Supporters

Nocturnal Unrest ist eine Kooperation des nOu-Kollektivs und Ladiez e.V. Kulturelle und Politische Bildung für Frauen, des Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, der feministische philosoph_innen Frankfurt und dem Hafen 2 Offenbach.
Gefördert durch Fonds Soziokultur im Rahmen des Programms Neustart Kultur der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, das Goethe Institut, das Hessische Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, die Hessische Theaterakademie, Frauenreferat und Stabsstelle Inklusion der Stadt Frankfurt am Main, dem QSL Fonds und dem AStA der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main sowie durch die Crespo Foundation.

More Information


Teo Ala-Ruona is a performance and visual artist and educator. Their work focuses on queer speculative fiction in the form of speech performance, text, sound installation, video, and community organizing. They explore the topics of sex, queer ecology, and gender by re-defining stories of pleasure and intimacy on a toxic Earth. Ala-Ruona holds an M.A. in arts from Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture and an M.A. in theatre from Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki.

Tuukka Haapakorpi is a multidisciplinary artist, musician, and sound designer. He works with media and sound art, sculptures, and games. Since 2012, Haapakorpi has toured Europe at experimental, electronic, and contemporary music festivals, and his music has been published by e.g. Nunc, Eternity and Intonema. He holds an M.A. in fine arts from the Fine Arts Academy of The University of the Arts Helsinki.