HAZE – Eine Bezeugung in Rauch


HAZE – Eine Bezeugung in Rauch


The age of combustion is soon coming to an end. Before all traces of it disappear, the PARA Emission Evidence Center (PEEC) is securing evidence for the upcoming trial of humanity. In Offenbach am Main, the PEEC begins its work at the crime scene of the power plant. It sorts the ash, inspects the smoke, measures the haze. Suspicious emission events in history are reconstructed and recorded as a chain of evidence for the investigative inquiries of the future. Why were chimneys smoking on the horizon? Why were London residents walking with torches in 1952? What was being burnt? And for what purpose? The result is a psychogram of humanity as a smoke-producing being and a collection of ephemeral evidence: sacks of smoke, charcoal dust, burning greaves. Testimonies about oil fires, combustion engines, meat production, forest fires, heat and power plants. At a time when more and more evidence is being covered up, PARA invites the dead of tomorrow to testify in smoke.



Duartion: 60 Min
Language: Deutsch
Venue: Parkplatz Nordring, Hafenallee 26, Offenbach

An event by PARA. Admissions please to  eec@p-a-r-a.org

All guests will be informed of current hygiene regulations and the theatre’s existing concept to uphold them on the day of registration. The mandatory recording of contact details for tracking in case of Covid-19 will be done at the venue. All general hygiene and distancing rules are to be observed. The wearing of a mouth-nose covering is obligatory.

More information on hygieneticketing and gastronomy at Sommerbau-Service

Via https://twitter.com/sommerbau_OF we inform you at short notice, if the event can’t take place as announced (due to bad weather e.g.).

Sponsors and Supporters

Von und mit: Peter Behrbohm, Lina Brion, Jonas Fischer, Josephine Hans, Amelie Neumann, Philipp Röding, Bastian Sistig, Kolja Vennewald und Joy Weinberger
Sprecher:innen: Hanna Steinmair & Richard Gonlag
Produktionsleitung: Julia Klinkert

Eine Produktion von PARA in Koproduktion mit dem Monologfestival 2021 / TD Berlin. In Kooperation mit dem Künstlerhaus Mousonturm. Ermöglicht durch das Förderprogramm #TakeAction des Fonds Darstellende Künste aus Mitteln der Bundesbeauftragten für Kultur und Medien.