Even crazy people want to be invited to the party

Tony Rizzi and the Bad Habits

Even crazy people want to be invited to the party

Tony Rizzi and the Bad Habits

How can we get out of the brain and back into the body? Choreographer, dancer and multi-talen Tony Rizzi has repeatedly used moments of everyday life as a source of inspiration in his pieces. In this new work, he explores with the performer Alessandro Costagliola the connections between loneliness, isolation and anxiety in a consumerist society that profits from these phenomena and where TV ads for anti-depressants are part of everyday life. Starting from the classical European ideal of equals bound together by the bond of joy and friendship, as formulated by Schiller in his “Ode to Joy”, Rizzi asks how and why things are getting worse and how we can best navigate through this chaos.



Mousonturm Co-Production
Duration: 50 Min.

Sponsors and Supporters

Performer, Co-Choreographer, Film- und Soundeditor
Alessandro Costagliola

Concept, Direction, Co-Choreographer, Text, Kostüm, Bühne
Antony Rizzi

Sebastian Schackert

Company Managment
Kristina Veit

Tamas Moricz

Artistic advisor
Irene Klein

Thanks to those participating in the films
Class of Boston Ballet School  (1983)
Ralf Rosar and ND Baumecker,May Irwin and John C Rice
Yekaterina Seltzer and Vasiliy Tikhomoriv
Vera Karelli
Antony Rizzi

"Many  thanks to Schmallfuss Gallery Berlin and Kulturamt Frankfurt for their financial support for the rehearsal process. And to everyone who works at the inside of my second home Künstlerhaus Musonturm for their heart warming support of my work over these many years. With a special wink to the heavens for  Dorothé Gebhart, Andreas Müller and Niels Ewerbeck." - Tony