Es war keinmal oder: Das Märchen von der Normalität

Theater HORA & Henrike Iglesias

Es war keinmal oder: Das Märchen von der Normalität

Theater HORA & Henrike Iglesias

Starting with familiar fairy tales, the actors of Theater Hora with cognitive disabilities and the performers of Henrike Iglesias deconstruct the powerful social concepts of normality, beauty and social gender playfully, humorously and accessibly.

Fairy tales are stories where it is usually completely clear what is beautiful and what is revolting. Princesses are beautiful. Witches are ugly and lonely. Princes are ideally both rich and beautiful. And princesses have to be saved by and then marry them.

But in this play, everything is uncertain: attributions of gender and roles are ambiguous, fairy tale narratives that are supposed to be functional are radically questioned. The mirror from the key fairy tale ‘Snow White’ is present as a disembodied voice from off stage. Fed up with the lunacy of self-improvement, the mirror goes on strike, but returns later when the performers agree on a new way of working and once and for all renounce the notion of beauty as a powerful norm.


Age: 10+
Language: German with English surtitels
Duration: 70 Min

Sponsors and Supporters

Von und mit den HORA-Schauspieler:innen: Noha Badir, Remo Beuggert, Cécile Creuzburg, Lucas Maurer, Simon Stuber und Fabienne Villiger und Henrike Iglesias (Anna Fries, Eva G. Alonso, Malu Peeters, Marielle Schavan, Sophia Schroth)

Kostüm: Mascha Mihoa Bischoff
Sound: Hans-Jakob Christian Mühlethaler, Henrike Iglesias
Bühne, Licht, Video: Henrike Iglesias
Kostümassistenz: Ulf Brauner
Bühnenassistenz: Julia Urech
Ensemblebetreuung: Stephan Stock
Produktionsleitung: Manuel Gerst / Adrian T. Mai (HORA), Maxine Devaud (Henrike Iglesias)
Theaterpädagogik: Anna Fierz
Zivildienst: Noah Beeler
Praktikum: Sabur Khel
Grafikdesign: Henrike Iglesias

Eine Koproduktion mit Gessnerallee und den Ruhrfestspielen Recklinghausen

Gefördert von der Fachstelle Kultur Kanton Zürich, Stadt Zürich Kultur, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Stiftung Züriwerk, Förderverein Theater HORA, Kulturpark Zürich-West, MIGROS- Kulturprozent

More Information

“Es war keinmal” was developed as a co-operation between the feminist performance collective Henrike Iglesias and Theater Hora. As a (cultural) workshop for people with certified mental disabilities, Theater Hora works to promote the reception, appreciation and promotion of artistic and human individuality.

Theater HORA ist eine der bekanntesten freien Theatergruppen der Schweiz und arbeitet regelmäßig mit Künstler:innen aus dem In- und Ausland zusammen. Das 2012 gegründete Theaterkollektiv Henrieke Iglesias beleuchtet in seinen Performances  popkulturelle Phänomene als Spiegel gesellschaftlicher Zustände.