Super Night Shot

Gob Squad

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Super Night Shot

Gob Squad

Just as the audience is eaving the house to gather at Mousonturm, the performance stars from the German-English theatre collective Gob Squad swarm out into the evening streets. Their mission: Down with the anonymity of the big city! Their weapons: four video cameras and absolute abandon in fulfilling their goal – to create a grand moment of intimacy, emotion and passion. Their time limit: one hour. Because whether they succeed or fail, that's exactly when the show starts in the auditorium and Gob Squad have to be back at Mousonturm with their cameras. Unedited, they present what happened to them along the way. Their experiences from the perspectives of the four cameras come together on the big screen to form a unique, deeply funny and moving snapshot of a city, with all the secret stars of the evening that they have met along the way. The banalities of everyday life meet the glitz and glamour of Hollywood. Anything can happen!

Since its premiere in 2003, “Super Night Shot” has taken the Berlin collective Gob Squad in the last 20 years to numerous cities around the world with meanwhile over 250 performances on six continents – and to celebrate Gob Squad's 30th birthday, it is now finally coming to Frankfurt.

“Each of us is just one in a million, easy to replace and easy to forget in a city that doesn’t really need us. But don’t worry. We’re going to change all that. We’ve got a plan. This city will need us and this film will be our witness.” (Gob Squad)


Duration: 75 Min.
Language: German, English
ALL IN – for audience of all ages

To celebrate the season's openin, there is a reception at 7:00 p.m. on Sept. 07 in the Lokal and foyer.

Sponsors and Supporters

Konzept: Gob Squad
Performance und Entwicklung: Johanna Freiburg, Sean Patten, Elyce Semenec, Berit Stumpf, Sarah Thom, Bastian Trost, Simon Will
In Frankfurt spielen: Berit Stumpf, Johanna Freiburg, Ilia Papatheodorou, Bastian Trost
Live Sound Mix: Sebastian Bark
Sound Design: Sebastian Bark, Jeff McGrory, Jeffrey Fisher
Künstlerische Assistenz: Nina Tecklenburg
Tourmanagment: Grischa Schwiegk, Caroline Gentz
UK Produzentin: Ayla Suveren
Finanzmanagement: Caroline Gentz
Company Management, Presse und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit: Eva Steffgen
Funding / Strategy Management: Eva Hartmann
Uraufführung: Dezember 2003, Prater der Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Berlin

Gob Squad Arts Collective erhält Förderung im Rahmen des Konzeptförderungszeitraumes
(2020 – 2023) des Landes Berlin, Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa.
Produziert von der Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz Berlin. Mit freundlicher
Unterstützung von the Arts Council of England East Midlands.

More Information

The history of "Super Night Shot"

Super Night Shot is Gob Squad’s most widely toured production, with nearly 200 unique presentations since the project’s inception in 2003, each one shot and screened only once in the host city. The piece has been performed in 4 languages on 6 continents and is still as fresh, dangerous and exciting as the day the 4 performer/activists first stepped onto the icy streets of Berlin in order wage their “War on Anonymity”.

Over the years, the film’s hero (a role rotated amongst Gob Squad’s performers) has done his/her best to solve all the problems thrown at them. In Siberia, the hero was asked to bring warmth to the city and melt the snow, in Brazil, the hero bridged the gap between rich and poor and helped raise money for a homeless woman to buy milk for her baby. In London, the hero gave some instant marriage guidance to quarrelling pensioners. In Bangalore, the hero provided security for a market trader and during a recent mission in the company’s home town of Berlin the hero helped some confused shoppers assemble their new Ikea shelves. Which challenges will your town throw at Gob Squad?

Five Facts about Gob Squad

1. Gob Squad started in 1994. Its members wanted a way to get into Glastonbury for free.

2. Gob Squad has toured every continent but Antarctica.

3. Among the unusual spaces Gob Squad has performed in are the Steffi Graf tennis stadium in Berlin and a bingo hall in West Bromwich, UK.

4. Gob Squad’s smallest production was To@ster, which involved two performers, 10 toasters and 1,000 slices of bread. The biggest, My Square Lady, involved a 40-piece orchestra, a choir of 35 children, 30 technicians, seven opera singers, seven scientists and a robot called Myon.

5. Performing Super Night Shot in Rio, Gob Squad faced arrest. The show ends with performers running through the streets in pants – illegal in Brazil. They bought bikinis and swimsuits, which are fine.