
On this page we provide information about our accessibility services. Use the buttons above to go directly to the various topics.

You can filter the programme specifically for accessibility services using the filter functions under "Accessibility" in the programme schedule.

Accessibility services are also aimed at people who are sensitive to stimuli or neurodivergent, have migraines or react sensitively to certain contents.

We use symbols or icons on each event page to help you find your way around quickly. Explanations and detailed information on the individual symbols can be found here.

Do you have questions, suggestions or requests?

Sensitive Environment

Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm is committed to an inclusive society in which deaf people and people with disabilities and chronic illnesses are given equal access and opportunities to participate.

We are aware that our porgrammes do not fulfil all accessibility requirements. Together with experts in the field, we are constantly developing our accessibility services.

All departments at Mousonturm continuously receive training on ableism and accessibility in the cultural field in order to best understand and fulfil the needs of our artists and visitors with disabilities.